Plaid Python Documentation!


class plaid.Client(client_id=None, secret=None, environment=None, suppress_warnings=False, timeout=600, api_version=None, client_app=None)

Python Plaid API client.

See official documentation at:

All of the endpoints documented under the plaid.api module may be called from a plaid.Client instance.

__init__(client_id=None, secret=None, environment=None, suppress_warnings=False, timeout=600, api_version=None, client_app=None)

Initialize a client with credentials.

  • client_id (str) – Your Plaid client ID

  • secret (str) – Your Plaid secret

  • environment (str) – One of sandbox, development, or production.

  • suppress_warnings (bool) – Suppress Plaid warnings.

  • timeout (int) – Timeout for API requests.

  • api_version (str) – API version to use for requests

  • client_app (str) – Internal header to include in requests

API Endpoints

Many API endpoints accept optional parameters via an _options object in the raw JSON. To improve forward compatibility as options are added, the Python functions for these endpoints also include an _options argument. However, it is recommended that you pass in options using the provided keyword arguments where possible.

For example:

// Prefer this...

// ... over this.
                          'account_ids': account_ids,
                          'count': count,
                          'offset': offset,
class plaid.api.Accounts(client)

Accounts endpoints. (HTTP docs)

class Balance(client)

Accounts balance endpoint.

Balance.get(access_token, _options=None, account_ids=None)

Retrieve real-time balance information for accounts.

  • access_token (str) –

  • account_ids ([str]) – A list of account_ids to retrieve for the item. Optional.

get(access_token, _options=None, account_ids=None)

Retrieve high-level account information for an Item.

  • access_token (str) –

  • account_ids ([str]) – A list of account_ids to retrieve for the item. Optional.

class plaid.api.AssetReport(client)

Assets endpoints. (HTTP docs)

create(access_tokens, days_requested, options=None)

Create an asset report.

  • access_tokens ([str]) – A list of access tokens, one token for each Item to be included in the Asset Report.

  • days_requested (int) – Days of transaction history requested to be included in the Asset Report.

  • options (dict) – An optional dictionary. For more information on the options object, see the documentation site listed above.

filter(asset_report_token, account_ids_to_exclude)

Create a new, filtered asset report based on an existing asset report.

  • asset_report_token (str) – The existing Asset Report’s asset report token.

  • account_ids_to_exclude ([str]) – A list of account IDs to exclude from the new Asset Report.

get(asset_report_token, include_insights=False)

Retrieves an asset report.

  • asset_report_token (str) – The asset report token for the asset report you created.

  • include_insights (bool) – An optional boolean specifying whether we should retrieve the report as an Asset Report with Insights. For more, see


Retrieves an asset report in the PDF format.


asset_report_token (str) – The asset report token for the asset report you created.

refresh(asset_report_token, days_requested, options=None)

Create a new, refreshed asset report based on an existing asset report.

  • asset_report_token (str) – The existing Asset Report’s asset report token.

  • days_requested (int) – Days of transaction history requested to be included in the Asset Report.

  • options (dict) – An optional dictionary. This is the same object used in create.


Retrieves an asset report in the PDF format.


asset_report_token (str) – The asset report token for the asset report you want to remove.

class plaid.api.Auth(client)

Auth endpoints.

get(access_token, _options=None, account_ids=None)

Retrieve account and routing numbers for checking and savings accounts. (HTTP docs)

  • access_token (str) –

  • account_ids ([str]) – A list of account_ids to retrieve for the item. Optional.

class plaid.api.Categories(client)

Categories endpoints. (HTTP docs)


Fetch all plaid categories.

class plaid.api.CreditDetails(client)

Credit details endpoints. (HTTP docs)


Retrieve credit details associated with an item.


access_token (str) –

class plaid.api.DepositSwitch(client)

Deposit Switch endpoints. (HTTP docs)

create(target_account_id, target_access_token)

Creates a deposit switch given target account id and target access token. (HTTP docs)

  • target_account_id (str) – The id of the bank account that the deposit switch will go to.

  • target_access_token (str) – The access token to create the the deposit switch.


Creates a deposit switch token, which is used to initialize a deposit switch. (HTTP docs)


deposit_switch_id (str) – ID of deposit switch


Gets deposit switch information given a deposit switch id.


deposit_switch_id (str) – ID of deposit switch to get.

class plaid.api.Holdings(client)

Holdings endpoints. (HTTP docs)

get(access_token, _options=None, account_ids=None)

Retrieve investment holdings information about an item.

  • access_token (str) –

  • account_ids ([str]) – A list of account_ids to retrieve for the item. Optional.

class plaid.api.Identity(client)

Identity endpoints. (HTTP docs)


Retrieve information about an item.


access_token (str) –

class plaid.api.Income(client)

Income endpoints. (HTTP docs)


Retrieve income data associated with an item. Adds the income product to the item if it does not already have it.


access_token (str) –

class plaid.api.Institutions(client)

Institutions endpoints. (HTTP docs)

get(country_codes, count, offset=0, _options=None)

Fetch all Plaid institutions, using /institutions/all.

  • country_codes ([str]) – Country codes of institutions to fetch.

  • count (int) – Number of institutions to fetch.

  • offset (int) – Number of institutions to skip.

get_by_id(institution_id, country_codes, _options=None)

Fetch a single institution by id.

  • country_codes ([str]) – Country codes of institution to fetch.

  • institution_id (str) –

search(query, country_codes, _options=None, products=None)

Search all institutions by name.

  • country_codes ([str]) – Country codes of institutions to fetch.

  • query (str) – Query against the full list of institutions.

  • products ([str]) – Filter FIs by available products. Optional.

class plaid.api.InvestmentTransactions(client)

InvestmentTransactions endpoints.

get(access_token, start_date, end_date, _options=None, account_ids=None, count=None, offset=None)

Return accounts and investment transactions for an item. (HTTP docs)

The transactions in the response are paginated – compare the number of transactions received so far against response[‘total_transactions’] to determine whether to fetch another page.

  • access_token (str) –

  • start_date (str) – The earliest date for transactions.

  • end_date (str) – The latest date for transactions.

  • account_ids ([str]) – A list of account_ids to retrieve for the item. Optional.

  • count (int) – The number of transactions to fetch. Optional.

  • offset (int) – The number of transactions to skip from the beginning of the fetch. Optional.

All date should be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.

class plaid.api.Item(client)

Item endpoints. (HTTP docs)

class AccessToken(client)

Access token endpoints.


Rotate the access token for an item. (HTTP docs)


access_token (str) –

class PublicToken(client)

Endpoints for translating between public tokens and access tokens.


Create a Link public_token for an API access_token. (HTTP docs) :param str access_token:

Exchange a Link public_token for an API access_token. (HTTP docs)


public_token (str) –

class Webhook(client)

Webhook endpoints.

Webhook.update(access_token, webhook)

Update the webhook for an Item. (HTTP docs)

  • access_token (str) –

  • webhook (str) – The URL of the webhook to associate.


Get information about the status of an item. (HTTP docs)


access_token (str) –

import_item(products, user_auth, _options)

Imports an item. (`HTTP docs coming soon`__)

  • initial_products ([str]) – List of products that the item will be enabled for.

  • user_auth (dict) – User authentication fields for the item.

  • options (dict) – Additional options.


Remove an item. (HTTP docs)

This also deactivates the access_token.


access_token (str) –

class plaid.api.Liabilities(client)

Liabilities endpoints. (HTTP docs)

get(access_token, _options=None, account_ids=None)

Retrieve liabilities information about an item.

  • access_token (str) –

  • account_ids ([str]) – A list of account_ids to retrieve for the item. Optional

class plaid.api.LinkToken(client)

Endpoints for managing link tokens.


Create a Link token.


configs (dict) – A required dictionary to configure the Link token.


Get information about a Link token.


link_token (string) – A valid link token created from


class plaid.api.PaymentInitiation(client)

Payment Initiation endpoints.

create_payment(recipient_id, reference, amount)

Creates a payment.

  • recipient_id (str) –

  • reference (str) –

  • amount (dict) – A dictionary containing currency and value fields.


Creates a payment. :param str payment_id:

create_recipient(name, iban, address, bacs)

Creates a payment recipient.

  • name (str) –

  • iban (str) –

  • address (dict) – A dictionary containing street, city, postal_code, and country fields.

  • bacs (dict) – A dictionary containing account and sort_code


Retrieves a payment.


payment_id (str) –


Retrieves a payment recipient.


recipient_id (str) –


Lists all the payments.


options (dict) – A dictionary containing count, and cursor fields.


Lists all the payment recipients.

class plaid.api.Processor(client)

Endpoints for creating processor tokens.

dwollaBankAccountTokenCreate(access_token, account_id)

Create a Dwolla processor token for a given account ID (HTTP docs)

  • access_token (str) –

  • account_id (str) –

stripeBankAccountTokenCreate(access_token, account_id)

Create a Stripe bank_account token for a given account ID (HTTP docs)

  • access_token (str) –

  • account_id (str) –

tokenCreate(access_token, account_id, processor)

Create a processor token for a given processor and account ID

  • access_token (str) –

  • account_id (str) –

  • processor (str) –

class plaid.api.Sandbox(client)

Sandbox-only endpoints. (HTTP docs)

These endpoints may not be used in other environments.

class Item(client)

Sandbox item endpoints.

Item.fire_webhook(access_token, webhook_code)

Fire a webhook for an item

  • access_token (str) –

  • webhook_code (str) –


Put an item into an ITEM_LOGIN_REQUIRED error state.


access_token (str) –

Item.set_verification_status(access_token, account_id, verification_status)

Set verification status for an item created via the automated microdeposits flow

  • access_token (str) –

  • account_id (str) –

  • verification_status (str) –

class plaid.api.Transactions(client)

Transactions endpoints.

get(access_token, start_date, end_date, _options=None, account_ids=None, count=None, offset=None)

Return accounts and transactions for an item. (HTTP docs)

The transactions in the response are paginated – compare the number of transactions received so far against response[‘total_transactions’] to determine whether to fetch another page.

  • access_token (str) –

  • start_date (str) – The earliest date for transactions.

  • end_date (str) – The latest date for transactions.

  • account_ids ([str]) – A list of account_ids to retrieve for the item. Optional.

  • count (int) – The number of transactions to fetch. Optional.

  • offset (int) – The number of transactions to skip from the beginning of the fetch. Optional.

All date should be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.


Request on-demand refresh of transactions and balances for an Item (HTTP docs)

Calls to /transactions/refresh will initiate an on-demand check for new transactions since last scheduled update. If there are fresh transactions, Plaid will fire a webhook. To fetch these transactions, call /transactions/get.


access_token (str) –

class plaid.api.Webhooks(client)

Webhooks endpoints. (HTTP docs)


Retrieve webhook verification key.


key_id (str) – ID of key from Plaid-Verification header


exception plaid.errors.BaseError(message, type, code, display_message)

Bases: Exception

A base error class.

  • message (str) – A developer-friendly error message. Not safe for programmatic use.

  • type (str) – A broad categorization of the error, corresponding to the error class.

  • code (str) – An error code for programmatic use.

  • display_message (str) – A user-friendly error message. Not safe for programmatic use. May be None.

exception plaid.errors.PlaidError(message, type, code, display_message, request_id='', causes=None)

Bases: plaid.errors.BaseError

A Plaid API error.

  • message (str) – A developer-friendly error message. Not safe for programmatic use.

  • type (str) – A broad categorization of the error, corresponding to the error class.

  • code (str) – An error code for programmatic use.

  • display_message (str) – A user-friendly error message. Not safe for programmatic use. May be None.

  • request_id (str) – A unique id returned for all server responses.

  • causes (list) – A list of reasons explaining why the error happened.

static from_response(response)

Create an error of the right class from an API response.

:param response dict Response JSON

exception plaid.errors.PlaidCause(message, type, code, display_message, item_id)

Bases: plaid.errors.BaseError

A cause of a Plaid error.

  • message (str) – A developer-friendly error message. Not safe for programmatic use.

  • type (str) – A broad categorization of the error, corresponding to the error class.

  • code (str) – An error code for programmatic use.

  • display_message (str) – A user-friendly error message. Not safe for programmatic use. May be None.

  • item_id (str) – The item ID.

exception plaid.errors.InvalidRequestError(message, type, code, display_message, request_id='', causes=None)

Bases: plaid.errors.PlaidError

The request is malformed and cannot be processed.

exception plaid.errors.InvalidInputError(message, type, code, display_message, request_id='', causes=None)

Bases: plaid.errors.PlaidError

The request is correctly formatted, but the values are incorrect.

exception plaid.errors.RateLimitExceededError(message, type, code, display_message, request_id='', causes=None)

Bases: plaid.errors.PlaidError

The request is valid but has exceeded established rate limits.

exception plaid.errors.APIError(message, type, code, display_message, request_id='', causes=None)

Bases: plaid.errors.PlaidError

Planned maintenance or an API internal server error.

exception plaid.errors.ItemError(message, type, code, display_message, request_id='', causes=None)

Bases: plaid.errors.PlaidError

There is invalid information about an item or it is not supported.

exception plaid.errors.InstitutionError(message, type, code, display_message, request_id='', causes=None)

Bases: plaid.errors.PlaidError

There are errors for the requested financial institution.

exception plaid.errors.AuthError(message, type, code, display_message, request_id='', causes=None)

Bases: plaid.errors.PlaidError

There are errors with verifying or pulling auth numbers data.

exception plaid.errors.AssetReportError(message, type, code, display_message, request_id='', causes=None)

Bases: plaid.errors.PlaidError

There are errors with creating the asset report.

Indices and tables